Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Double Your Search Traffic
Double Your Search Traffic
Advanced SEO Techniques That’ll Double Your Search Traffic
Are you also not getting enough traffic on your website?
No worries, SEO will help you in this case. It is very important to understand SEO to significantly increase your traffic and brand awareness. Experts say more than 80 percent of traffic on Google begins with the search query. It means right now, many people are searching for content just like you. Your website is not getting traffic because your contents are not visible to people. SEO can make your content visible and will boost your rank in search engine results. But it takes lots of research and analysis because Google updates its algorithm constantly. So here I am presenting here some Advanced SEO tips that will double your search traffic.
Audit your website structure
In SEO, Auditing is a growth hacking technique that will help you to attract new traffic and retain old ones. By auditing your website structure you can figure out why you are not getting adequate search traffic as well as sells on your website. During the audit, you should re-check Meta titles and descriptions, SEO keywords, optimized URL, page formats, image ALT tags etc.
Research and analysis
Google is a big data company, they get and store data of the users and use it to increase its efficiency. You should also use the same technique to understand the type of users, a mood of your users, what they are looking for etc to improve the efficiency of your website. Research and analysis are key for SEO.
Mobile friendly
More than 70 percent of users browse the internet with their smartphones. So your website should be mobile friendly. Target the mobile users and boost your traffic exponentially.
Create SEO optimized landing page
Landing page is like gateways for incoming traffic. The more landing page you will create more traffic you will get. A well-designed landing page can improve users engagement and sells as well.
One of the simplest ways to increase your search traffic is by infographics. There is so much potential and power in infographics. High-quality visual information can boost you traffics to double.
Some other techniques
- Implement LSI (Latent semantic indexing).
- Research about competitors live keywords.
- Leverage authority site.
- Deep linking to internal pages.
- Refresh your archive pages.
- Roundup posts.
- Social media promotion.
- Use Ad-words copy in your on-page SEO.
- Multiple keywords in SEO page titles.
So these are some SEO techniques that can actually help you to boost the traffic on your website. So implement these SEO techniques with research and analysis and enjoy the higher volume of traffic than ever before.
#Double Your Search Traffic, #Advanced SEO Techniques